Monday, May 9, 2011

Mary Oliver


Wild Geese

The Sun

Next Time

The Summer Day

The Journey


When Death Comes

Blue Iris

The Lilly

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Wake by Lisa Mcmann pgs 1-70

Wake is the first book in a trilogy about a girl who can go inside peoples dreams. She doesn't really willingly go though, it's more like she sucked in. The first time she remembers it happening is one day when she was eight yeard old, she got sucked into the dream of sleeping man on a train. Ever since then she has kept her secret well kept, and views it more a curse than a gift. Her mother is drunk, who barely acknowledges she has a daughter. Janie is kind of a loner at school, except for one best friend, who doesnt even know her secret. The book is just now putting her gift to use- she is helping the police solve a drug crime within the school using her dream capabilities.

So far I love this book. I wanna read all three books. Its the perfect blend of sci fi, and reality. It isn't totally ridiculous, and the style of writing Mcmann uses is really interesting. Kind of like third person, semi omniscient? I don't know, I really like it though!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Scar Tissue- Anthony Kiedis pg 1-138

Anthony Kiedis's memior "Scar Tissue" is something every red hot chilli peppers fan should read. I've been a fan forever, never really knowing the extent of Anthony Kiedis's drug problems. The lead singer recalls inciting incidents from his life, including early childhood memories of his father. The book starts out with him getting beat up while waiting for his drug dealer in a car, then waking up in his van on the way to another show.

The whole book is so rock'n roll, but not in the cliche way. He tells his stories in a way that make them not only funny, but endearing and sincere. I love the pictures too! Its an inside look into the life of a rocker..but not only a rocker, a total druggie. Which is kind of what is sad about his life. However, I do know that he has cleaned up his life some since the times these stories are recalled from. Definantley a great read, even if you aren't a Red Hot Chilli Peppers fan!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A painting by Adam Gayer

Adam Gayer's vibrantly abstract painting expresses a sense of peculiarity and darkness despite his flamboyant use of color. Gayer's use of wispy brush strokes, and isometric format add chaos to an already eccentric color scheme. The intangibleness is what makes this painting interesting;so unrecognizable, yet familiar in the its shapes. The viewer almost makes out images, a person possibly, in the middle of the painting. Gayer portrays an imaginative scene in this painting, projecting a sense of wonder and curiosity. The elements of, flamboyance, abstractness and wonder all add to the captivating effect this painting has.

Fallout- Ellen Hopkins pg. 435-663

Although Summer knows about autumn, Autumn just recently found out more info about her mom and her sister and brothers that she never even knew exsisted. Autumn's dad is out of jail and offers to take her there for xmas to see them. She reluctantly goes. Hunter finds his real dad, who supposedly raped his mother. He confronts his father but actually ends up liking him. Summer runs away from her foster home and ends up in a rally bad car accident with her boyfriend. The whole climax of the story, where all their tales intertwine, is at Christmas at "Marie Haskin's" house. In the book, the kids mom is a writer, who wrote a book about her daughter and her meth problem (crank).
I think its really interesting that she kind of put herself into the story. Since it is loosely based on her daughter and her troubles, I kind of think its a lot more based on her life than some may think. In the very back of the book their is a page where Ellen Hopkins talks about how her son in real life )hunter in the book) is only thirteen right now, and in the book he is nineteen. She says she kinda wrote the future based on what these kids lives were like right now. The ending was perfect, with all the kids confronting their mom, and her apoligizing about everything that has happened. I really liked the end to this trilogy!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fallout- Ellen Hopkins pg 300-435

Fallout is just now taking a huge turn by exploring more into Kristina's life. Since the book is told from her kids' perspective, she has only been mentioned abstractly. But now, Summer, asks her dad how he and Kristina met. He is dumbfounded that he hasn't told her before, and explains that her mother and he were married, and she even had a daughter when he met her. Summer had no clue she had a long lost sister, someone she has never met, or even heard of. Autumn finds out her aunt is getting married, and she feels lost and alone. She turns to drinking. Hunter, cheats on his girlfriend and turns to drinking. All around the kids are going through a hard time. And you start to see more of their hardships as a result of Kristina's mothering, or lack there of.

I think it's really sad these kids have begun turning to drinking, besides summer. But summer, although not drinking or doing drugs, has been put into another foster home because her dad got a dui. Nothing goes right for these kids. the book is really good, and I really want to know if they ever meet their long lost sister.