Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fallout- Ellen Hopkins pg 300-435

Fallout is just now taking a huge turn by exploring more into Kristina's life. Since the book is told from her kids' perspective, she has only been mentioned abstractly. But now, Summer, asks her dad how he and Kristina met. He is dumbfounded that he hasn't told her before, and explains that her mother and he were married, and she even had a daughter when he met her. Summer had no clue she had a long lost sister, someone she has never met, or even heard of. Autumn finds out her aunt is getting married, and she feels lost and alone. She turns to drinking. Hunter, cheats on his girlfriend and turns to drinking. All around the kids are going through a hard time. And you start to see more of their hardships as a result of Kristina's mothering, or lack there of.

I think it's really sad these kids have begun turning to drinking, besides summer. But summer, although not drinking or doing drugs, has been put into another foster home because her dad got a dui. Nothing goes right for these kids. the book is really good, and I really want to know if they ever meet their long lost sister.

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