Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Fallout- Ellen Hopkins pg. 435-663

Although Summer knows about autumn, Autumn just recently found out more info about her mom and her sister and brothers that she never even knew exsisted. Autumn's dad is out of jail and offers to take her there for xmas to see them. She reluctantly goes. Hunter finds his real dad, who supposedly raped his mother. He confronts his father but actually ends up liking him. Summer runs away from her foster home and ends up in a rally bad car accident with her boyfriend. The whole climax of the story, where all their tales intertwine, is at Christmas at "Marie Haskin's" house. In the book, the kids mom is a writer, who wrote a book about her daughter and her meth problem (crank).
I think its really interesting that she kind of put herself into the story. Since it is loosely based on her daughter and her troubles, I kind of think its a lot more based on her life than some may think. In the very back of the book their is a page where Ellen Hopkins talks about how her son in real life )hunter in the book) is only thirteen right now, and in the book he is nineteen. She says she kinda wrote the future based on what these kids lives were like right now. The ending was perfect, with all the kids confronting their mom, and her apoligizing about everything that has happened. I really liked the end to this trilogy!

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