Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Judd Apatow- I Found This Funny; How I got Kicked out of Highschool: A Freaks and Geeks Diary

'I Found This Funny', edited by Judd Apatow is a compilation of short stories, excerpts from memoirs, dark humored cartoons, pilot television scripts, and
other miscellaneous works of art. Among the many short stories and mostly hilarious pieces of literature are diary entires made by Judd Apatow during the production and airing of a television show of which he was the executive producer of; Freaks and Geeks was cancelled after airing only 13 episodes on NBC. It was funny how I saw this book today, because in the fast few weeks I have become reacquainted, and even slightly obsessed with the short lived television show, Freaks and Geeks. I remember when it aired it 2000 I was very interested in it, even though I was only seven. My mom told me to turn it off everytime, I even recall being sent to my room for sneaking a view of the TV show. Watching it now I can see where they were coming from. However now, it is one of my favorite shows of all time. I'm a huge fan of Apatow's so I thought I'd check out this book. So far,I'm glad I did.

His diary entires start in October of 1998 and end in April of 2000. He talks about how excited he is for this show because it is something that had not really been done before. He even recalls calling for 'normal looking people' at the casting call for Freaks and Geeks. The show, created by Paul Feig, is about a brother and sister in Michigan, and their friends. Set in 1980, it made for a hilarious commentary on the time, and on high school. The boy was a geek, and his older sister a 'Freak' or a burnout. Apatow talks about how many of the expericenes the kids had in the show came from experiences of his own when he was in highschool, and he also adds how many of the 'Geek' experiences were replicas of times in creator Paul Feig's life. This show is absolutely hilarious and so touching and the same time. It is critically acclaimed, and even made Time Magazine's top thirteenth best serious of the last 25 years. In his journal entires, Apatow talks about how strange it is that the ratings weren't good, but at that time it was getting recognition from The Rolling Stone and Time Magazine. He was devastated when it was cancelled. In his journal, he mocks NBC for not 'getting' his show, when it was so relatable to everyone else. He suggests that he should have created another hilarious show where all its characters just happened to have model good looks.

Although cancelled, Freaks and Geeks has developed a cult following. The show has also cranked out some great actors and writers, who were discovered by the creators. Seth Rogen, Jason Segel, and Oscar nominated James Franco were all in the cast. Judd Apatow also wrote and directed, 'Knocked Up', 'Funny People', and 'Fourty-Year-Old-Virgin', as well as producing 'Pineapple Express', 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' and many other ridiculously funny movies. Judd Apatow obviously has a great sense of humor, and this book puts doubt in no ones mind that he has great taste in writing. I really enjoyed reading this Freaks and Geeks diary and it's good to know that the show has finally got it's due. From how angry Apatow was at it's cancellation, he sure seems to be determined to make all of the cast members and writers into great successes. His thoughts in his journal entires were funny and definitely interesting. I am eager to read more stories in 'I found This Funny'.

1 comment:

  1. I love this show, too. Reading this reminded me of an e-mail feud I read once between Apatow and Mark Brazill, creator of That 70's Show. It's pretty hilarious, though the language gets a little intense in places.

    Nice blog, and good reading.
