Monday, February 28, 2011

Go Ask Alice pgs 50-120

The girl's best friend came back from camp, they were good together. They didn't do drugs or anything, but when she came back from camp, beth and her were not as close. Every since she got back from a stay at her grandparents, where she started using drugs again, she had been acting different towards her parents. When her parents confront her, she admits to wanting to break down right there and tell them everything. But she doesn't. Then the good boy that she likes leaves for military school and she is so sad. Her journal entries take a dark turn from there. She meets a guy she likes again, but he is a drug dealer, and he convinces her to start selling to middle school kids. After a while she gets tired of never doing anything with her new boyfriend besides getting and high and sitting around. She begins to have doubts. After dumping him, she and her friend Chris, a girl she has become close to, decide to flee to San Fransisco in the middle of the night, with only a note as explanation to her parents. Her stay in San Francisco is great at first, but she ends up getting back into drugs and after many failed business ventures, she ends up on the streets.

Her diary entries are sad. She has so much hope inside of her but nothing ever works out. She knows the drugs are bad, and she trys again and again to stop for good. I don't even think the problem is that she is addicted, I think it is just the lifestyle she leads and she keeps digging a deeper whole for herself. Some of these entries are so disturbing they can only be true.

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