Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Freakonomics pg 84-120

This chapter poses the question "Why do drug dealers live with their moms?" Although somewhat comical, Levitt and Dubner go into some quite heavy issues regarding urban life and inner city drug trafficking. The author writes about his friend's experiences while researching impoverished communities in the U.S. Levitt and Dubner point out the fact that selling cocaine is one of the most profitable jobs in the united states. Most people assume that if you are a drug dealer-then you have money. However, this common knowledge only applies to the top dogs of the drug chain, the big dealers. There fore, most drug dealers do live with their moms-because that's what they can afford. Even those drug dealers making a significant amount of money often times live at home with their mothers to remain known in the community, or to keep an eye on other drug dealers.

This chapter was very interesting. The way this book disproves the things you think you know is mind blowing. I'm really enjoying it, can't wait for the next chapter about parents!

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